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Corporate Governance


In accordance to “Recommendations for good Corporate Governance” prepared for the Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S, a stock listed company shall explain how it complies with the recommendations based on the “comply-or-explain” principle. 

FirstFarms accounts for Corporate Governance in its annual reports in order to explain the company's policy in this area, including any deviations in relation to the recommendations. Furthermore, all interested parties may access and read FirstFarms' complete description of its approach to corporate governance and thus gain insight into the company's primary frameworks.

FirstFarms focuses on, that the relationship with shareholders, the Board of Directors and management in general is in accordance with good corporate governance as recommended by Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S. The company supports these recommendations and strives to ensure that the company's management structure and monitoring systems are appropriate and function satisfactorily.

FirstFarms' allocation of warrants to the company's Executive Management and manager. The allocation of warrants is to create value for the shareholders, the company and the company's managers. Read more here.

The statements can be found below: